9 de dezembro de 2004

Acesso HTTP ao Exchange explicado - II

Num post anterior (Acesso HTTP ao Exchange explicado) dava-vos conta de um artigo publicado no site MSExchange.org que explicava alguns detalhes técnicos do acesso ao Exchange com o protocolo HTTP.
Pois bem, Paul Baldwin acaba de publicar a segunda parte do seu artigo, Explaining Exchange 2003 Http Access (Part 2), onde continua a desvendar alguns dos mecanismos envolvidos.
E termina com chave de ouro:

"Since Exchange 2003 was released configuring the new HTTP access methods has caused many a headache for administrators. Most of these problems were due to the barely documented and sometimes bizarre way in which these features work. This article has tried to explain many of mechanisms behind the features in the hope of enlightening readers to what is going on and allowing them to work-around some of the problems when configuring HTTP access."

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