RTM: Exchange Server 2010 SP1
A versão RTM do Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 foi disponibilizada ontem! Aqui fica uma pequena lista das novidades:
- New Deployment Functionality
- Client Access Server Role Improvements
- Improvements in Transport Functionality
- Permissions Functionality
- Exchange Store and Mailbox Database Functionality
- Mailbox and Recipients Functionality
- High Availability and Site Resilience Functionality
- Messaging Policy and Compliance Functionality
- Unified Messaging Server Role Improvements
- Audit Logging Improvements
- Support for Coexistence with Exchange Online
- Support for Multi-Tenancy
Antes de instalar o SP1, leiam por favor as Release Notes For Exchange Server 2010 SP1 e garantam que todos os prerequisitos estão instalados.
Conjuntamente com a versão final do SP1, a Microsoft disponibilizou também outros downloads relacionados:
- Exchange Server 2010 SP1 UM Language Packs [*NOVOS Language Packs, incluindo pt-PT*] - These downloads contain pre-recorded prompts, grammar files, text to speech data, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) files, and Voice Mail Preview capabilities for a specific language that is supported by Exchange 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging (UM). Warning: This UM language pack must only be installed as an add-in to Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging.
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Language Pack Bundle - This download contains the most recently updated language packs for Exchange 2010. The language bundle includes all packs for all supported languages.
- Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Help - This download contains a standalone version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Help.
- Exchange Management Shell Quick Reference for Exchange 2010 - This download contains a quick reference sheet that can be used to access frequently used Exchange Management Shell cmdlets and syntax in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
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1 comentário:
Nice synopsis of SP1. Thanks
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