Publishing Exchange Server 2010 with Forefront UAG 2010 and Forefront TMG 2010
Publishing Exchange Server 2010 with Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010 and Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010 é um documento técnico recentemente disponibilizado pela Microsoft com instruções detalhadas de como publicar o Exchange Server 2010 de forma segura na Internet.
Brief Description
This white paper provides information about publishing Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 using Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010 and Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010, including how to choose between them for different scenarios, and provides specific steps you can take to configure Forefront TMG and Forefront UAG to publish Exchange 2010.
Allowing access to corporate resources from any location, perhaps using devices that are not controlled by the organization, presents additional risk to the security of the data and services being accessed. Therefore it's critical to take measures to ensure that the data is being accessed securely, which means implementing technologies such as certificates, firewalls, enforcing pre-authentication, and device or endpoint validation. This white paper provides detailed information about publishing Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 using Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010 and Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010, including how to choose between them for different scenarios, and provides specific steps you can take to configure Forefront TMG and Forefront UAG to publish Exchange 2010.
O documento contém uma tabela muito interessante com as prinicpais diferenças entre publicar o Exchange Server 2010 com o UAG versus TMG:
1 comentário:
The cool thing is how Exchange Server 2010 integrates so nicely with Microsoft CRM 2011. In fact, there are a few things (like calendaring) that CRM cannot do without Exchange being integrated.
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