11 de novembro de 2009

Exchange Server 2010 Language Pack Bundle

O Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Language Pack Bundle v14.00.0680.000 está disponível para download. Tenham em atenção que este não é o Language Pack de Unified Messaging! Para melhor compreensão, deixo-vos aqui um pequeno excerto do TechNet, Exchange 2010 Language Support:

An Exchange 2010 language pack contains the necessary resources for a supported Exchange language. Language packs can be installed during installation of Exchange 2010 or after Exchange 2010 has been deployed. Client and server language packs come grouped into a single bundle containing both client and server resource and support files. You can automatically download the language packs when you're running Exchange Setup.

For organizations that have users in multiple languages, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Install the language pack bundle to provide localized messages on all server roles. This will provide localized messages for Microsoft Office Outlook Web App and Exchange Control Panel. There are no performance issues with installing all the languages because they're just stored when not in use.

    Brief Description
    This download contains the most recently updated language packs for Exchange 2010. The language bundle includes all packs for all supported languages.

    This download is available to customers who would like to install the most recent languages packs for Exchange 2010. This bundle does not include language packs for Unified Messaging.

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