9 de novembro de 2009

Exchange Server 2007 MP for OpsMgr 2007 SP1 v6.0.6741.0

O Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 v6.0.6741.0 está disponível para download.

Brief Description
This Management Pack includes an extensive set of monitoring including synthetic transactions to effectively monitor Exchange 2007 and report on performance, availability, and reliability of its server roles.

The Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007 SP1 is designed to monitor Exchange 2007 key health indicators, collect Exchange component-specific performance counters in one central location, and raise alerts for operator intervention as necessary. By detecting, sending alerts, and automatically responding to critical events, this Management Pack helps indicate, correct, and prevent possible service outages or configuration problems, allowing you to proactively manage Exchange servers and identify issues before they become critical. The Management Pack monitors and provides alerts for automatic notification of events indicating service outages, performance degradation, health monitoring, and centralized management.
This Management Pack requires Operations Manager 2007 SP1 or later. Note that there is a separate Management Pack for Exchange 2007 monitoring for Operations Manager 2007 R2.

Feature Summary

  • A number of synthetic transactions ensure the Exchange servers are available and responding in a timely manner. The synthetic transactions are maintenance-mode aware, so that if the target of a transaction is in maintenance mode, the source will not run the transaction, and not alert unnecessarily.
  • A significant number of rules and monitors that are not actionable or may be noisy are disabled. Note that many of these rules are still in the Management Pack so that you can enable them if necessary.
  • Support for monitoring any number of Exchange organizations using a single Operations Manager 2007 management group.
  • Full support for Microsoft clustered configurations. For more details, see the Management Pack Guide.
  • Discovery of Exchange 2007 server roles is disabled by default, and no Exchange 2007 monitoring is applied by default. This allows you to discover and monitor your servers gradually, as well as tune the Management Pack as you bring more agent-managed Exchange 2007 servers into the Operations Manager environment.
Release History
  • 11/7/2009 - Original release of English version, version 6.0.6741.0

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