30 de outubro de 2009

Leitura de fim-de-semana

29 de outubro de 2009

Exchange Server 2010 TechNet Webcasts em Novembro

Deixo-vos aqui uma pequena lista de webcasts sobre Exchange Server 2010 que vão ocorrer em Novembro e que espero que achem interessantes:

Microsoft Virtualization Best Practices for Exchange Server (Level 300)
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event Overview: Virtualizing business critical applications delivers significant benefits, including cost savings, enhanced business continuity, and an agile and efficient management solution. In this webcast, we focus on virtualizing Microsoft Exchange Server using Microsoft solutions, we discuss the benefits of using Microsoft virtualization technologies instead of technologies from key competitors such as VMware, and we provide technical guidance and best practices for virtualizing Exchange Server in various production scenarios. We also discuss results from lab deployment tests.
Presenters: Arno Mihm, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation and Rob Simpson, Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation

The U.S. Public Sector Virtual Launch: The New Efficiency (Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2008 R2, and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 9:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Description: Join Microsoft’s Public Sector Vice President Curt Kolcun and top technology leaders at “The New Efficiency” virtual launch event for government, education, and health. Learn how cost savings and productivity come together with a new wave of Microsoft® products. Be one of the first to evaluate exciting innovations in Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2008 R2, and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

Microsoft Secure Messaging Solution (Level 200)
Thursday, November 05, 2009 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event Overview: Join us for this webcast as we walk you through the best practices and technologies available to secure e-mail in your organization. After this webcast, you should know how to protect your Microsoft Exchange Server from malware and inappropriate content, how to protect your data from leaking into the wrong hands, and how to easily and securely publish your Exchange Server for access.
Presenter: Cristian Mora, Solution Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation

GRÁTIS Exchange Server 2010 eBook

Exchange 2010 - A Practical Approach" é um eBook grátis, da autoria do MVP de Exchange Jaap Wesselius, que pode ser descarregado a partir do sítio da Internet da Red Gate Software.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Exchange Server 2010
    1.1 Getting Started
    1.2 What’s been removed from Exchange Server 2010?
    1.3 What’s new in Exchange Server 2010?
    1.4 Exchange Server 2010 and Active Directory
    1.5 Exchange Server coexistence
    1.6 Exchange Server 2010 Server roles
    1.7 Summary
Chapter 2: Installing Exchange Server 2010
Chapter 3: Exchange Server 2010 Coexistence
    3.1 Coexistence with Exchange Server 2003
    3.2 Installing Exchange Server 2010 in an Exchange Server 2003 environment
    3.3 Coexistence with Exchange Server 2007
    3.4 Installing Exchange Server 2010 into an Existing Exchange Server 2007 Environment
    3.5 Summary
Chapter 4: Managing Exchange Server 2010
    4.1 The Exchange Management Shell
    4.2 The Exchange Management Console
    4.3 The Exchange Control Panel (ECP)
    4.4 Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
    4.5 Archiving and Compliancy
    4.6 Summary
Chapter 5: High Availability in Exchange Server 2010
    5.1 High Availability in Exchange Server 2010
    5.2 Exchange Server Database technologies
    5.3 High Availability in Exchange Server
    5.4 High Availability on other Server Roles
    5.5 Summary
Summarizing Exchange Server 2010 – A Practical Approach

27 de outubro de 2009

Hoje é dia de festa… E vão 5!

Pois é, a brincar a brincar, faz hoje 5 anos que este blog teve início. Foi no longínquo dia de 27 de Outubro de 2004 que coloquei aqui o meu primeiro post, na altura ainda nem sabia muito bem que rumo ia tomar.

935 (!) posts depois, cá estou eu ainda, espero que ainda a ser útil à comunidade falante de Português (1 abraço para os meus leitores Brasileiros) de Exchange.

Confesso-vos que o percurso não foi fácil, muitas vezes equacionei abandonar este blog e manter apenas o seu “irmão”, disponível em http://msmvps.com/blogs/ehlo/, com a diferença de ser totalmente em Inglês.

Na minha vida profissional também muita coisa mudou nestes 1826 dias:

A minha paixão pelo Microsoft Exchange Server em particular e pelas tecnologias de Comunicações Unificadas da Microsoft não mudou (diria que até cresceu).

A todos os que me acompanham, o meu muito obrigado!

A Nova Eficiência vem a caminho

Lançamento Empresarial do Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 e Exchange Server 2010

É já no próximo dia 24 de Novembro que a Microsoft Portugal vai fazer o lançamento Empresarial do Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 e Exchange Server 2010, no Auditório dos Oceanos do Casino de Lisboa. Registe-se.

Descrição Geral do Evento
Participe no lançamento empresarial e saiba como organizações como a sua, podem tirar partido das inovações do Windows® 7, do Windows Server® 2008 R2 e do Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010 para reduzir custos, aumentar a produtividade e a eficiência.
Saiba como:

> O Windows 7 pode ajudar a reduzir os custos de gestão, melhorar a produtividade através do Windows Optimized Desktop e a melhor gerir os riscos através de segurança e controlo avançado.

> O Windows Server 2008 R2 possibilita o aprovisionamento dinâmico e a gestão optimizada dos ambientes virtuais, reduzindo os custos energéticos, e em conjunto com o Windows 7, como ajuda a reduzir o custo de gestão de delegações e escritórios remotos, tornando as equipas de colaboradores mais produtivas.

> O Exchange Server 2010 pode simplificar a implementação e a administração de um sistema de messaging, melhorar as capacidades de arquivo e alargar o acesso à sua plataforma de comunicação a qualquer lugar.

17 de outubro de 2009

Exchange Server 2007 MP for OpsMgr 2007 R2 v6.0.6702.0

O Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 v6.0.6702.0, com algumas correcções de bugs, está disponível para download.

Brief Description
This Management Pack includes an extensive set of monitoring including synthetic transactions to effectively monitor Exchange 2007 and report on performance, availability, and reliability of its server roles.

The Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack is designed to monitor Exchange 2007 key health indicators, collect Exchange component-specific performance counters in one central location, and raise alerts for operator intervention as necessary. By detecting, sending alerts, and automatically responding to critical events, this Management Pack helps indicate, correct, and prevent possible service outages or configuration problems, allowing you to proactively manage Exchange servers and identify issues before they become critical. The Management Pack monitors and provides alerts for automatic notification of events indicating service outages, performance degradation, health monitoring, and centralized management.

Note: This Management Pack requires Operations Manager 2007 R2.

Feature Summary

  • A number of synthetic transactions ensure the Exchange servers are available and responding in a timely manner. The synthetic transactions are maintenance-mode aware, so that if the target of a transaction is in maintenance mode, the source will not run the transaction, and not alert unnecessarily.
  • This Management Pack includes a Management Pack template that provides a wizard-like interface for configuring synthetic transactions against Outlook Web Access (OWA), Exchange ActiveSync, Web Services, POP3, and IMAP.
  • This Management Pack includes a Management Pack template that provides a wizard-like interface for configuring mail flow synthetic transactions between agent-managed Exchange 2007 Mailbox servers.
  • This Management Pack provides 30+ reports specific to Exchange 2007 that track availability and performance compared to service level objectives. For the list of reports and for more information about the reports, see the Management Pack Guide.
  • All the synthetic transactions in this Management Pack use an Operations Manager 2007 R2 hosting feature for Windows PowerShell technology that provides a performance improvement when running synthetic transactions.
  • A significant number of rules and monitors that are not actionable or may be noisy are disabled. Note that many of these rules are still in the Management Pack so that you can enable them if necessary.
  • Support for monitoring any number of Exchange organizations using a single Operations Manager 2007 management group.
  • Full support for Microsoft clustered configurations. For more details, see the Management Pack Guide.
  • Discovery of Exchange 2007 server roles is disabled by default, and no Exchange 2007 monitoring is applied by default. This allows you to discover and monitor your servers gradually, as well as tune the Management Pack as you bring more agent-managed Exchange 2007 servers into the Operations Manager environment.

Leitura de fim-de-semana

13 de outubro de 2009

Webcasts, virtual labs e outros recursos técnicos de aprendizagem de Exchange 2010

Enquanto revia a minha longa lista de blogs que acompanho diariamente, consegui juntar uma série de recursos técnicos de aprendizagem de Exchange Server 2010. E o melhor é que é tudo grátis!

Development Webcasts

Virtual Labs

Free eLearning

Free Silverlight Learning Snacks:

Free PrePress Chapter Downloads:

Free eLearning Clinics:

Microsoft’s Exchange Server 2010 Learning Portal:

Exchange Server 2003 MP for OpsMgr 2007 v6.0.6702.0

A Microsoft actualizou recentemente o Exchange Server 2003 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007.

Brief Description
The Exchange Server 2003 Management Pack monitors Exchange 2003 deployments and monitors Exchange Server Back-end and Exchange Server Front-End systems.

The Exchange Server 2003 Management Pack monitors the performance and availability of Exchange Server 2003 systems. It can also issue alerts for possible configuration problems Availability and performance monitoring is done using synthetic transactions. In addition, the Management Pack collects Event Log alerts and provides associated knowledge articles with additional user details, possible causes, and suggested resolutions. The Management Pack discovers and monitors the individual server components and functional areas on an Exchange Server 2003 server.

Feature Bullet Summary:
This management pack monitors Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and includes monitors and rules to track performance, availability, and reliability of Exchange core components and functionality.

  • MAPI, OWA, OMA, EAS synthetic logon transactions
  • Mail flow synthetic transaction
  • Monitoring using Self-Tuning Thresholds
  • Comprehensive performance metric collection
  • 1000+ Event rules with associated knowledge
  • Database status
  • Database size
  • Mailbox statistics
  • Public folder statistics
  • Message tracking log statistics
  • Exchange and related OS Service monitoring
  • Configuration monitoring
  • Topology discovery of Exchange deployment
Release History:
  • 3/23/2007 - Original release, version 6.0.5000.0
  • 6/25/2007 - Updated version, version 6.0.5000.11. The library MP is unchanged from the initial release.
  • 1/15/2008 - Updated MP Guide – same version
  • 2/25/2008 - Updated MP Guide and Management Pack, version 6.0.6278.0.
  • 3/17/2008 - Updated MP Guide and Management Pack, version 6.0.6278.2.
  • 4/1/2008 - Updated MP Guide and Management Pack, version 6.0.6278.5.
  • 8/21/2008 - Updated MP Guide and Management Pack, version 6.0.6387.0. Please refer to the MP Guide for details.
  • 10/12/2009 - Updated release, version 6.0.6702.0, with key bug fixes. Please refer to the MP Guide for details.

2 de outubro de 2009

Leitura de fim-de-semana