29 de novembro de 2007

Preparem-se para o Exchange Server 2007 SP1

Finalmente acabou o suspense. Segundo a newsletter TechNet Flash, o SP1 é disponibilizado amanhã:

On November 30, you will be able to download Exchange Server 2007 with Service Pack 1. The list of new features in SP1 is long, including new deployment options, new features and improvements for each server role, improved integration with other applications, and even a new, third type of continuous replication. There are also general updates to almost all of the high availability topics for SP1, as well as significant updates in other content areas, such as those related to the Mailbox, Client Access, Hub Transport and Edge Transport, and the Unified Messaging server roles. You can find documentation on the new features by browsing or searching the Exchange Server TechCenter Library. If you're in evaluation mode, you can now download the Exchange Server 2007 with Service Pack 1 trial software and see how secure, anywhere access can enhance operational efficiency.

27 de novembro de 2007

Exchange 2003 MSIT Configuration Packs for ConfigMgr 2007

A Microsoft disponibilizou Configuration Packs para o System Center Configuration Manager 2007 que contêm os configuration items necessários para gerir os server roles de Exchange Server 2003, e que foram desenvolvidos com base nas definições utilizadas pela equipa de Microsoft IT na configuração destes server roles.

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack for Configuration Manager 2007 - The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack is designed to be used for managing the configuration of Exchange 2003 servers. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a limited number of settings affecting the configuration of Exchange 2003 servers in the Microsoft IT environment. More extensive configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Intermediate and Comprehensive Configuration Packs. It is recommended that users begin by evaluating their configuration against the Basic configuration pack, and then progress to the Intermediate and Comprehensive configuration packs as desired configurations are verified.
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Intermediate Configuration Pack for Configuration Manager 2007 - The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Intermediate Configuration Pack is designed to be used for managing the configuration of Exchange 2003 servers. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a substantial number of settings affecting the configuration of Exchange 2003 servers in the Microsoft IT environment. A partial list of the included configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack; more extensive configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MSIT Comprehensive Configuration Pack. It is recommended that users begin by evaluating their configuration against the Basic configuration pack, and then progress to the Intermediate and Comprehensive configuration packs as desired configurations are verified.

Exchange 2007 e certificados

Depois de instalada uma nova infra-estrutura de Exchange Server 2007, é preciso garantir que todos os clientes, tais como Outlook Web Access e Outlook 2007, conseguem aceder aos serviços de maneira segura e encriptada sem receber um aviso que o certificado não é válido.

É preciso não esquecer que podem ser utilizados vários nomes para aceder aos serviços, como por exemplo:

  • https://CAS01/owa
  • https://CAS01.FQDN.name/owa
  • https://CASIntranetName/owa
  • https://autodiscover.emaildomain.com

Todos estes nomes podem ser incluídos num único certificado, através da propriedade Subject Alternative Name (SAN).

Para gerar este Certificate Signing Request (CSR) com múltiplos domínios, será necessário utilizar o Exchange Management Shell, correndo o seguinte comando:

New-ExchangeCertificate -generaterequest -subjectname 
"dc=com,dc=contoso,o=Contoso Corporation,
cn=exchange.contoso.com" -domainname exchange.contoso.com,
autodiscover.contoso.com -PrivateKeyExportable $true
-path c:\certrequest_cas01.txt

Este comando irá gerar um ficheiro no formato PKCS#10 com o pedido de certificado.

Se acaha que isto é muito complicado e prefere uma maneira mais gráfica, a digicert disponibilizou este New-ExchangeCertificate Command Generator.

Links relacionados:

24 de novembro de 2007

Windows Essential Business Server

Windows Essential Business Server Editions

Lembram-se do Centro? Pois bem, o produto foi recentemente baptizado com o que será o seu nome definitivo: Windows Essentials Business Server.

Este produto destina-se a empresas que tenham até 300 utilizadores (encaixa que nem uma luva no mercado Português) e é composto pelo seguinte software da Microsoft:

  • Windows Server 2008
  • Exchange Server 2007
  • System Center Essentials
  • Forefront Security for Exchange
  • A próxima versão do ISA
  • SQL Server 2008

Links relacionados:

22 de novembro de 2007

Exchange Server 2007 Design and Architecture at Microsoft

Mais 2 grandes documentos da colecção "How Microsoft Does IT": Exchange Server 2007 Design and Architecture at Microsoft.

Ever wondered how a large enterprise plans and implements design and architecture of its next generation of messaging system? View this content to find out how engineers from the Microsoft IT messaging team will uncover the details on how Exchange 2007 infrastructure was introduced and fully deployed in a 120,000+ mailbox production environment. Topics will include: messaging topology design, hardware planning for various Exchange server roles, Client Access Server and Mobility scenarios, Transport architecture, Mailbox server and storage designs, backup, restore and high availability strategies.

10 de novembro de 2007

Documentos de Exchange Server: novos & actualizados

Nas últimas semanas foram disponibilizados alguns novos documentos de Exchange Server que eu gostaria de mencionar:

  • Going 64-Bit with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 - This topic illustrates how Microsoft met evolving business needs with the deployment of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, such as reducing risks associated with spam, improving business agility, and lowering TCO. The 64-bit platform enables Microsoft IT to keep pace with ever-increasing performance expectations, raise mailbox quotas, lower storage costs, and eliminate tape backups to save additional costs.
  • Business Continuity with Exchange Server 2007 SP1 and Data Protection Manager - E-mail is the lifeblood of business, and enterprises rely on IT teams to keep their communication arteries secure, protected, and compliant. Learn how to ensure business continuity through the new developments in Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 as well as complementing with Data Protection Manager.

Directamente do Microsoft Exchange Team Blog, ficamos a conhecer mais alguns novos conteúdos técnicos:

The Exchange Server documentation team is pleased to announce the following new Exchange Server 2007 content.

BTW, if you haven't noticed, all our topics in the Exchange Library now have a "Topic Last Modified" date at the top of the topic. And, if you wonder which topics apply to Exchange Server 2007 with Service Pack 1, we now have an "Applies to" tag for Exchange 2007 content.

E finalmente, como já vem sendo habitual, o Paul Flaherty (aka Flaphead) condensa todos os downloads, documentos e webcasts que foram disponibilizados no último mês: A Month in Exchange: November 2007.

ILM 2007 Feature Pack 1 suporta Exchange 2007

Sabiam que até há pouco tempo o ILM 2007 (ex-MIIS 2003) não suportava cenários de sincronização entre ambientes puramente Exchange 2007?

Felizmente, com o lançamento do Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 Feature Pack 1, a Microsoft adicionou um Management Agent para sincronização da GAL entre infra-estruturas de Exchange 2007.

New features in this release:

  • Active Directory and GAL synchronization Management Agent support for pure Exchange 2007 environments
  • Certificate and smart card management client support for Vista
  • Offline Vista-integrated smart card PIN unblock
  • Smart card PIN unblock for Windows XP
  • Certificate and smart card management in 8 additional languages:
    • Chinese (Traditional)
    • Dutch
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Portuguese
    • Spanish

8 de novembro de 2007

Exchange Component Architecture Poster

Ora aqui está um grande, grande documento (e não é só devido à sua dimensão). Se uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras, o Exchange Server 2007 Component Architecture Poster é a prova viva disso mesmo.

Este poster ilustra a arquitectura e as funcionalidades do Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, é óptimo para consolidar ideias.

Aside from showing the high-level architecture, this poster highlights the feature set of Exchange Server 2007. Sections include:

  • Management and Monitoring
  • High Availability
  • Client Access, Edge Transport, Hub Transport, Mailbox, and Unified Messaging server roles
  • When printed, this poster measures 30.5 inches by 20.5 inches (77,5 cm x 52 cm).

7 de novembro de 2007

Como obter um endereço @live.com

Com o lançamento oficial do Windows Live, já é possível obter endereços @live.com. Para quem está em Portugal, pode ser um bocadinho difícil e frustrante (eu já passei por isso), por isso aqui ficam as instruções:

  1. Abrir o browser e fazer sign-out de todos os serviços Live
  2. Alterar as Regional Settings no Control Panel para English (United States)
  3. Mudar a lingua do browser para Inglês (no Internet Explorer ir ao menu Tools | Internet Options | Languages | Add e seleccionar English (United States) [en-us] e colocá-la em primeiro lugar)
  4. Ir a http://www.windowslive.com/ e carregar no botão "Get Windows Live - Free"
  5. Na janela que se abre, não seleccionar nenhum dos proidutos/serviços e carregar no botão "Install"
  6. Vai ser lançado o Installer. Nas janelas seguintes carregar em Run
  7. Clicar em Close depois de terminada a instalação. Abre-se então uma nova janela onde deverão carregar em "Sign in" (canto superior direito)
  8. Na nova janela, carregar em "Sign up" para subscrever um Live ID @live.com.

Comigo funcionou. Espero que consigam também. Boa sorte!



Se não funcionar, experimentem utilizar este link.

Windows Live Mail 2008

O Windows Live Mail acaba se sair de Beta, a versão final foi disponibilizada ontem e pode ser obtida aqui.

Além do Live Mail, a Microsoft fez também o lançamento oficial de outros produtos Live, tal como o Writer e o Messenger.

Links relacionados:

6 de novembro de 2007

DPM 2007 Storage Requirements Calculator

Mais uma grande ferramenta disponibilizada: Data Protection Manager 2007 Storage Calculator.

In order to assist customers in designing their storage layout for Data Protection Manager 2007, we have put together a calculator that focuses on outlining the storage capacity requirements based on a set of input factors.

For the first release, the calculator focuses on Exchange 2007 backup scenarios only. Future releases may include other technologies.

The calculator uses all the recommendations outlined in

Leiam mais no DPM Blog.

5 de novembro de 2007

Documentos técnicos da IT Showcase

Exchange Server 2007 Deployment Checklist é um grande, grande documento que contém checklists de instalação de todos os server roles do Exchange Server 2007.

To drive excellence in server deployments, the Exchange Messaging team within the Microsoft Information Technology (Microsoft IT) group relies on checklists to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out deployment tasks, minimize deployment risks, and save time.


Managing the Calendaring and Collaboration Process By Using Exchange Server 2007 Web Services descreve como a Microsoft utilizou os Exchange Server 2007 Web Services para criar uma solução integrada e automatizada de colaboração e comunicação.

Two distinct groups at Microsoft have the challenging task of scheduling thousands of people for speaking engagements or for job interviews each year. Understand how Microsoft used Exchange Server 2007 Web Services to automate a near real-time solution to create integrated communication and collaboration; one that can display multiple meetings and multiple presenters per meeting; within its own enterprise using an improved development toolset that offers better functionality than previously available from Microsoft.

Ferramentas para manusear os logs de Exchange

Aqui fica uma lista de ferramentas bastante úteis (e grátis) para manusear os logs criados pelo Exchange Server:

  • Exchange Log Search Tool - If you have ever administered Microsoft Exchange server then you have had to look through the message tracking logs...arg!!!!! They can be ridiculously large and it's painfully monotonous to scan through them (if not down right impossible).
  • Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool - Ever have a performance problem, but don't know what performance counters to collect or how to analyze them? The PAL (Performance Analysis of Logs) tool is a new and powerful tool that reads in a performance monitor counter log (any known format) and analyzes it using complex, but known thresholds (provided). The tool generates an HTML based report which graphically charts important performance counters and throws alerts when thresholds are exceeded. The thresholds are originally based on thresholds defined by the Microsoft product teams and members of Microsoft support, but continue to be expanded by this ongoing project. This tool is not a replacement of traditional performance analysis, but it automates the analysis of performance counter logs enough to save you time. This is a VBScript and requires Microsoft LogParser (free download).

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