13 de outubro de 2005

Baseline BIS TCO Assessment - v3

A Microsoft disponibilizou uma nova ferramenta que permite aos parceiros gerar relatórios de TCO para cenários de migração para Windows 2003 e Exchange 2003.

"The Baseline BIS TCO Assessment analyzes a customer's actual IT costs and helps you to measure the ROI of migrating to Windows Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2003 from NT4, NetWare, Exchange 5.5, and GroupWise. It will only take you about 1 hour to gather information about their IT environment for the tool. The Online Training and a Brand New Project Guide are also available – Training is HIGHLY recommended. This tool is focused on the 50-500 Desktop customer (up to 1000 employees). It is designed to be completed and delivered by a Partner, not the end customer."

Tive a oportunidade de experimentar esta nova ferramenta. No final obtenho um relatório que compara os TCO para os diferentes cenários (obviamente o Exchange 2003 é mais económico). A Baseline BIS TCO Assessment - v3 está disponível para download aqui.

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