17 de agosto de 2005

Exchange SP2 CTP disponível a 19-Agosto

De acordo com úm post do Harold Wong e de notícia publicada pela Mary Jo Foley, a Microsoft vai disponibilizar uma Community Technology Preview (CTP) do Service Pack 2 para o Exchange Server 2003 a 19 de Agosto.
A versão CTP funciona como uma pré-beta e tem algumas limitações:

"Please be aware that CTP releases of any product will not display the stability of a shipped Microsoft product. Customers may encounter problems with Exchange Server 2003 SP2 that could possibly result in a loss or destruction of data. Some of the mobility features contained in this CTP download are not yet available for testing, pending availability of Windows Mobile 5.0 devices that have the Messaging & Security Feature Pack installed. Those devices will be available later in 2005 and 2006. Also some of the security features in SP2 are only available when used with Outlook 2003 SP2 which will not release until later in 2005. This build is available only in English."

Pode começar a contagem decrescente. Até já existe um link reservado.

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