30 de julho de 2013

Nova versão do Exchange 2013 RTM CU2

Foi disponibilizada para download uma nova versão (version 15.00.0712.024) do Exchange Server 2013 RTM Cumulative Update 2 (CU2).

Esta nova versão corrige um problema com as Public folders, anteriormente detectado e descrito neste blog post.

If you have not deployed Exchange 2013 RTM CU2, you can follow the steps outlined in the Upgrading/Deploying Cumulative Update 2 section in the Exchange 2013 RTM CU2 announcement article.

If you have already installed Exchange 2013 RTM CU2 (712.22), you can simply execute setup.exe /m:upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms from a command line to upgrade your servers to the 712.24 build; alternatively you can upgrade via the setup user interface. Attempting to uninstall the 712.22 build will result in the complete uninstall of the server and is not recommended.

Important: Regardless of whether you are using modern public folders, we strongly recommend upgrading to this build of Exchange 2013 RTM CU2. Any security updates released for CU2 will be dependent on this build.

Links Relacionados

26 de julho de 2013

Leitura de fim-de-semana

19 de julho de 2013

Um par de posters

Estou convencido que Exchange Server 2013 Architecture Poster é a peça central de decoração em muitos escritórios por esse mundo fora. Para quem ainda tiver algum espaço livre na parede, vejam estas duas novas novidades:

Leitura de fim-de-semana

18 de julho de 2013

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack v15.00.0620.030

Foi recentemente disponibilizado para download o Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack v15.00.0620.030 . Este MP foi desenhado para:

  • System Center Operations Manager 2012 RTM ou superior
  • System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 ou superior

Brief Description
This management pack includes monitors and rules to effectively monitor Exchange Server 2013 on its performance, availability, and reliability of its server roles.

Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack Documentation

    The Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack provides comprehensive service health information for your Exchange organization.
      The Exchange 2013 Management Pack is engineered for organizations that include servers running Exchange 2013.
        The key feature of this management pack is user focused monitoring. The simplified dashboard focuses on the user experience and makes it easier for you quickly determine exactly what your users are experiencing.
              Feature Summary
              The Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack works with the Managed Availability feature in Exchange 2013. The alerts within the System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) portal indicate unhealthy states as reported by the Managed Availability components in Exchange 2013.
                The following are some of the new features in the Exchange 2013 Management Pack:
                • Simplified dashboard The dashboard of the Exchange 2013 Management Pack has been simplified and refined into the following three categorie
                  • Active Alerts Provides a list of all outstanding alerts in your organization.
                  • Organization Health Provides an overview of the overall service health in your organization.
                  • Server Health Provides an overview of the health of individual servers in your organization.
                • User focused monitoring Exchange 2013 introduces a monitoring and recovery infrastructure called Managed Availability. Managed Availability focuses on the user experience. All Exchange 2013 components have built-in monitors that detect problems and attempt to recover the service availability. Any issues that can't be recovered automatically are escalated to the Exchange 2013 Management Pack as an alert.

                Exchange Server 2013 CU1 UM Language Packs

                Já está disponível para download o Exchange Server 2013 CU1 UM Language Packs (version 15.00.0620.029).

                Brief Description
                These downloads contain pre-recorded prompts, grammar files, text to speech data, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) files, and Voice Mail Preview capabilities for a specific language that is supported by Exchange 2013 CU1 Unified Messaging (UM). Warning: This UM language pack must only be installed as an add-in to Exchange Server 2013 CU1 Unified Messaging.

                Unified Messaging (UM) language packs allow an Exchange Server 2013 CU1 UM server to speak additional languages to callers and recognize other languages when callers use ASR or when voice messages are transcribed. UM language packs contain:

                • Pre-recorded prompts, for example "After the tone, please record your message. When you’ve finished recording, hang up, or press the # key for more options." in the language of the UM language pack.
                • Grammar files that are used by a UM server to lookup the names of given users in the directory in the language of the UM language pack.
                • Text to Speech (TTS) translation so that content (e-mail, calendar, contact information, etc.) can be read to callers in the language of the UM language pack.
                • Support for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), which allows callers to interact with UM using the voice user interface (VUI) in the language of the UM language pack.
                • Support for Voice Mail Preview which allows users to read the transcript of voice mail messages in a specific language from within a supported e-mail client such as Outlook or Outlook Web Access.

                Cumulative Update 2 for Exchange Server 2013 (KB2859928)

                Já não é propriamente uma novidade, mas para registo futuro aqui fica a notícia que já foi disponibilizado para download o Cumulative Update 2 for Exchange Server 2013 (KB2859928).

                Cumulative Update 2 for Exchange Server 2013 resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2013 CU1 since the software was released. This update rollup is highly recommended for all Exchange Server 2013 customers.

                Queiram por favor ler este post no Microsoft Exchange Team Blog com mais detalhes técnicos e instruções de instalação.

                Tenham em atenção que existe um problema conhecido com este update. Leiam tudo sobre o assunto em Exchange 2013 RTM CU2 Issue - Public Folder Permissions Loss After PF Mailbox Move.

                16 de julho de 2013

                TechNet Magazine – Julho 2013

                A edição de Julho 2013 da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para leitura online.

                Artigos em Destaque:


                13 de julho de 2013

                Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook – Julho 2013

                Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013.

                "Esta atualização fornece ao Filtro de Correio Eletrónico Publicitário Não Solicitado do Microsoft Office Outlook uma definição mais atual das mensagens de correio eletrónico que deverão ser consideradas correio eletrónico publicitário não solicitado."

                O download está disponível para as versões Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 (32-bit, 64-bit) e Outlook 2013 (32-bit, 64-bit) ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

                Leitura de fim-de-semana