23 de janeiro de 2011

Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator v14.2

O Ross Smith IV anunciou no Microsoft Exchange Team Blog que a ferramenta Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator foi mais uma vez actualizada, agora para a versão 14.2.

De acordo com a página de registo de actualizações, estas são as principais novidades:

Version 14.2 Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed two-node stretched DAG scenario that resulted in calculator not reporting results due to new copy validation check

Version 14.1 Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Activation Results Scenarios to no longer display #NAME when dealing with dedicated lagged copy servers.
  • Fixed 2 LUNs / Backup Set formula for the 11th database grouping set in the DB and Log LUN Design / Server table to display the correct number of databases in the grouping set.
  • Fixed "Number of Active Databases / SDC Server (After First PDC Server Failure)" calculations to take into account stretched Single DAG without dedicated DR servers.
  • Fixed "Number of Required Mailbox Processor Cores (Primary Datacenter)" formula to respect when site resilience is disabled and A/A (Single DAG) is selected.
  • Fixed formatting for scenario that resulted in more HA database copies being deployed in the secondary datacenter than in the primary datacenter and also improved validation checks.
  • Updated "Custom Number of Databases" (Input Section) and "Number of Databases" (Role Requirements section) text to indicate in standalone situations that the "Custom Number of Databases" is per server and "Number of Databases" is for the environment.
  • Fixed 2nd PDC failure formula to enable site resilient scenarios that have 3 copies in PDC to allow double server failure event.
  • Optimized Number of Mailboxes per Database (I/O Driven) to not round up odd numbers to the next even number.
  • Fixed text in various comment fields.


  • Added conditional formatting for Exchange Native Data Protection input factor to alert when you are deploying with less than the recommended number of HA copies.
  • The calculator now includes the ability to select different disk types and capacities for the storage architecture being deployed in the secondary datacenter.

Para obter instruções detalhadas sobre a utilização da ferramenta, consultem Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator.

Para fazer download da ferramenta, cliquem aqui.

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