26 de junho de 2009

Leitura de fim-de-semana

Microsoft Exchange Server User Monitor [v14.00.0611.003]

O Microsoft Exchange Server User Monitor v14.00.0611.003 está disponível para download.

Brief Description
Enables system administrators to view and evaluate individual users' usage and experience with Microsoft Exchange Server.

Use the Microsoft Exchange Server User Monitor to gather real-time data to better understand current client usage patterns, and to plan for future work. Administrators can view several items, including IP addresses used by clients, versions and modes of Microsoft Office Outlook, and resources such as CPU usage, server-side processor latency, and total latency for network and processing. Works with Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, 2003 and 2007.

23 de junho de 2009

Tech·Ed Europe 2009

Já é possível efectuar o registo para o Microsoft Tech•Ed Europe 2009.

Este ano o evento decorre de 9 a 13 de Novembro em Berlim e retoma o modelo antigo de juntar Developers e IT Pros numa mesma semana.

Tech·Ed Europe 2009 will be focused into a single week for both the developer and IT professional communities

The change in format back to a combined event is based on feedback from both our developer and IT professional audiences who in this time of economic uncertainty prefer a single week activity.

For more than 16 years, Tech·Ed Europe has provided our customers the best technical education event in the industry and we look forward to continuing to deliver the great content, education and connection opportunities.

    • MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 - Learn about Microsoft's next-generation operating system
      Come and hear about the advancements Windows 7 brings to user productivity, security and PC management - all of which save businesses time and money.

    • MICROSOFT OFFICE and new ways to maximise business productivity
      This year's Office System track will help you deploy, adopt and develop on business productivity applications. Learn about deploying Microsoft Office to your users, building pervasive Microsoft Office SharePoint solutions and managing your work with Microsoft Business Productivity Visio.

    • VIRTUALISATION that helps leverage existing investments
      Get an in-depth understanding of today’s low-cost virtualisation technologies and how they can help you make the most of your current software and hardware investments.

    • HOSTING for economies of scale
      Learn how to take advantage of Microsoft’s hosted services to scale your IT department’s communications and collaboration offering. You’ll also lower your hardware, management and power costs.

    • UNIFYING to reduce costs and help increase efficiencies
      Truly unified communications create a single communication infrastructure. That means you can reduce costs for PBX enhancements while improving productivity through unified inboxes along with rules that help workers manage interruptions.

    • DEPLOYMENT - maximise your existing IT infrastructure and do more with what you've got
      In economic times like these, it's important to get maximum value out of your existing IT infrastructure. What you learn at Tech·Ed Europe 2009 can help you ensure that your infrastructure works as efficiently and productively as possible.

  • 15 de junho de 2009

    Recursos de formação em Exchange Server

    Microsoft Exchange Server – Training Portal

    A Microsoft lançou recentemente o Exchange Server Training Portal, um site repleto de recursos de aprendizagem do novíssimo Exchange Server 2010 e também do Exchange Server 2007.

    Tal como o Scott chama a atenção, não percam esta oferta especial: Clinic 6899: Exploring Features of Exchange Server 2010.

    Microsoft Learning Snacks





    Outro site interessante é o Microsoft Learning Snacks:

    “Learning Snacks are short, interactive presentations about popular topics created by Microsoft Learning experts. Each Snack is delivered by using innovative Microsoft Silverlight technology and includes various media, such as animations and recorded demos. At the end of each free presentation, you can view more Snacks, learn more about the topic, or visit a related Web site.”

    Neste momento existem disponíveis 2 snacks de Exchange Server 2010:

    • High Availability and Storage in Exchange Server 2010: For most organizations, flexible and cost-effective communication tools are important factors for meeting goals such as high availability and enhanced database recovery. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 helps organizations achieve these goals with a simplified, unified framework that helps them lower their costs and enhance business productivity. This Learning Snack explains how mailbox availability is achieved in Exchange server 2010 and how the new and improved database recovery and storage features help organizations manage their Exchange environment better.
    • Unified Messaging in Exchange Server 2010: Today, one of the topmost priorities for most organizations is to enable users to communicate and connect with others anytime quickly and easily. To meet this need and at the same time reduce costs, many organizations are now adopting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 to take advantage of the enhanced unified messaging feature. Unified messaging provides users with flexible and powerful new ways of accessing information and increasing productivity. This Learning Snack explains how unified messaging works and also describes its architecture. In addition, it describes the voice mail integration feature of Exchange Server 2010.

    Exchange Server 2007 MP for OpsMgr 2007 R2

    O tão esperado Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 (nativo) chegou finalmente. O único “senão” é que este MP requer o OpsMgr 2007 R2, não pode ser usado com a versão anterior.

    Brief Description
    This Management Pack includes an extensive set of monitoring including synthetic transactions to effectively monitor Exchange 2007 and report on performance, availability, and reliability of its server roles.

    The Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack is designed to monitor Exchange 2007 key health indicators, collect Exchange component-specific performance counters in one central location, and raise alerts for operator intervention as necessary. By detecting, sending alerts, and automatically responding to critical events, this Management Pack helps indicate, correct, and prevent possible service outages or configuration problems, allowing you to proactively manage Exchange servers and identify issues before they become critical. The Management Pack monitors and provides alerts for automatic notification of events indicating service outages, performance degradation, health monitoring, and centralized management.
    Note: This Management Pack requires Operations Manager 2007 R2.

    Feature Summary

    • A number of synthetic transactions ensure the Exchange servers are available and responding in a timely manner. The synthetic transactions are maintenance-mode aware, so that if the target of a transaction is in maintenance mode, the source will not run the transaction, and not alert unnecessarily.
    • This Management Pack includes a Management Pack template that provides a wizard-like interface for configuring synthetic transactions against Outlook Web Access (OWA), Exchange ActiveSync, Web Services, POP3, and IMAP.
    • This Management Pack includes a Management Pack template that provides a wizard-like interface for configuring mail flow synthetic transactions between agent-managed Exchange 2007 Mailbox servers.
    • This Management Pack provides 30+ reports specific to Exchange 2007 that track availability and performance compared to service level objectives. For the list of reports and for more information about the reports, see the Management Pack Guide.
    • All the synthetic transactions in this Management Pack use an Operations Manager 2007 R2 hosting feature for Windows PowerShell technology that provides a performance improvement when running synthetic transactions.
    • A significant number of rules and monitors that are not actionable or may be noisy are disabled. Note that many of these rules are still in the Management Pack so that you can enable them if necessary.
    • Support for monitoring any number of Exchange organizations using a single Operations Manager 2007 management group.
    • Full support for Microsoft clustered configurations. For more details, see the Management Pack Guide.
    • Discovery of Exchange 2007 server roles is disabled by default, and no Exchange 2007 monitoring is applied by default. This allows you to discover and monitor your servers gradually, as well as tune the Management Pack as you bring more agent-managed Exchange 2007 servers into the Operations Manager environment.

    Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook (Junho 2009)

    Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003/2007.

    "This update provides the Junk E-mail Filter in Microsoft Office Outlook with a more current definition of which e-mail messages should be considered junk e-mail."

    O download está disponível para as versões Outlook 2003 e Outlook 2007, ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

    Leitura de fim-de-semana

    8 de junho de 2009

    TechNet Magazine – Julho 2009

    July2009A edição de Julho da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para leitura online ou, se preferirem, podem fazer download em formato  HTML Help (ficheiro .chm) para consulta posterior..

    A capa remete-nos para o artigo sobre gestão da Active Directory com o Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007. Apesar de este ser um tema que interessa a todos os Administradores de Messaging, existem neste artigo 2 outros artigos que são mais específicos relativamente ao Exchange Server: