26 de setembro de 2008

Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator v16.0

O Ross Smith IV anunciou no Microsoft Exchange Team Blog que a ferramenta Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator foi actualizada para a versão 16.0.

De acordo com a página de updates no blog You Had Me At EHLO, estas são as correcções/melhorias:

  • The changes introduced in v15.6 in the Storage Design worksheet introduced a logic error where the recommended RAID Configuration / Server would recommend a null configuration when you selected "--" for the database disk type in Configuration 3.  This has been corrected to ensure that only enabled disk configurations are considered when making a recommendation.
  • Validation logic was added to the custom database size input factor to remind you that you need to enter in a value greater than 0.
  • Fixed various input factor comments.
  • Fixed RAID-0 calculations for the database and log configuration options 2 and 3.  In previous releases, the RAID-0 values for these configurations were utilizing the RAID-1/0 data points.
  • Updated the backup and restore rate input factors to indicate that these only apply for steaming backup calculations.  Also added validation logic to disable the input options when VSS backup methodologies are chosen.
  • Fixed the streaming backup rate calculations to include all transaction logs generated in a day (user generation + move mailbox).  Previous releases only considered user log generation.
  • Updated the text and note for the "Additional I/O Requirement" field to indicate that the input value is per mailbox server.
  • Added streaming restore calculations for both full database restore and incremental / differential backup restore to the Backup requirements worksheet.
  • Added the following note to the Storage Design worksheet - Important: This tool should only be used for storage modeling purposes.  Please consult with the storage vendor regarding storage design and follow recommended storage design testing processes.  The example configuration provided within this calculator is just that, an example, and as such, each input option needs to be evaluated as to how it will affect your design.

Para obter instruções detalhadas sobre a utilização da ferramenta, consultem Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator.

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