24 de julho de 2008

Leitura de fim-de-semana

15 de julho de 2008

Exchange 2007 Whitepapers

A Microsoft disponibilizou recentemente 2 whitepapers de Exchange Server 2007:

Exchange Server Jetstress Tool v08.02.0060

Uma nova actualização (v08.02.0060) da ferramenta Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress Tool está disponível para download:

Brief Description
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.

Use Jetstress to verify the performance and stability of a disk subsystem prior to putting an Exchange server into production. Jetstress helps verify disk performance by simulating Exchange disk Input/Output (I/O) load. Specifically, Jetstress simulates the Exchange database and log file loads produced by a specific number of users. You use Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and ESEUTIL in conjunction with Jetstress to verify that your disk subsystem meets or exceeds the performance criteria you establish. After a successful completion of the Jetstress Disk Performance and Stress Tests in a non-production environment, you will have ensured that your Exchange disk subsystem is adequately sized (in terms of performance criteria you establish) for the user count and user profiles you have established. It is highly recommended that the Jetstress user read through the tool documentation before using the tool.
Jetstress 2007 (08.02.0060) Updates: Configuration files and databases created with 08.01.0177 release of Jetstress will not work with version 08.02.0060 . A new configuration file and new databases must be created when using the 08.02.0060 release.

12 de julho de 2008

Leitura de fim-de-semana

8 de julho de 2008

Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 e Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2007 RTM

A Microsoft disponibilizou os seguintes Update Rollups (é suposto serem lançados todos os 2 meses) para o Exchange Server 2007:

Para além de todas as correcções que introduzem, também resolvem a vulnerabilidade descrita no Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-039.


Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Overview
Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2007 SP1 since the software was released. This update rollup is highly recommended for all Exchange Server 2007 SP1 customers.
For a list of changes that are included in this update rollup, see KB949870.
This update rollup does not apply to Exchange Server 2007 Release To Manufacturing (RTM). For a list of update rollups applicable to Exchange Server 2007 RTM, refer to the section Update rollups for Exchange Server 2007 RTM in the Knowledge Base article KB937052.
This is a cumulative update rollup and replaces the following:

  • KB945684 Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB945684)
  • KB948016 Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB948016)


Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2007 RTM Overview
Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2007 resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2007 since the software was released. This update rollup is highly recommended for all Exchange Server 2007 customers.
For a list of changes that are included in this update rollup, see KB953469.
This is a cumulative update rollup and replaces the following:

  • KB930809 Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB930809)
  • KB935490 Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB935490)
  • KB935999 Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB935999)
  • KB940006 Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB940006)
  • KB941421 Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB941421)
  • KB942846 Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB942846)

This update rollup does not apply to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack (SP1). For a list of update rollups applicable to Exchange Server 2007 SP1, refer to the section Update rollups for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 in the Knowledge Base article KB937052.

3 de julho de 2008

TechNet Magazine - Agosto 2008

A edição de Agosto da TechNet Magazine já está disponível online ou, se preferirem, no formato  HTML Help .chm file para leitura em offline.

Dado que o tema principal é o SQL Server, não há muitos artigos que eu possa destacar, para além destas muito interessantes field notes, escritas por R'ykandar Korra'ti: IMAP Saves the World.


Já está disponível o SP1 do ISA Server 2006

O tão aguardado Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Service Pack 1 foi finalmente disponibilizado.

Brief Description
Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Service Pack 1 introduces new features and functionality to ISA Server 2006 Standard and Enterprise Editions.

The new features focus on configuration change management and enhanced troubleshooting designed to help you identify and resolve ISA Server configuration issues within the ISA Server Management console.
The service pack includes the following new features and feature improvements:

  • Configuration Change Tracking—Registers all configuration changes applied to ISA Server to help you assess issues that may occur as a result of these changes.
  • Test Button—Tests the consistency of a Web publishing rule between the published server and ISA Server.
  • Traffic Simulator—Simulates network traffic in accordance with specified request parameters, such as an internal user and the Web server, providing information about firewall policy rules evaluated for the request.
  • Diagnostic Logging Viewer—Now integrated as a tab into the ISA Server Management console, this feature displays detailed events on packet progress and provides information about handling and rule matching.

Improvements for existing features, including:

  • Support for integrated NLB mode in all three modes, including unicast, multicast, and multicast with Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). Previously, ISA Server integrated NLB-supported unicast mode only.
  • Support for use of server certificates containing multiple Subject Alternative Name (SAN) entries. Previously, ISA Server was able to use either only either the subject name (common name) of a server certificate, or the first entry in the SAN list.
  • Support for Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD) cross-domain authentication. Credentials from users located in a different domain than the ISA Server, but in the same forest, can now be delegated to an internal published Web site by using KCD.
  • Support for client certificate authentication in a workgroup deployment. This removes the requirement to map each client certificate to an Active Directory® directory user account when forms-based authentication is used as the primary authentication method and client certificates are used as the secondary method.

For more information about this service pack, see Microsoft Article 943462.
For general information about installing ISA Server updates and hotfixes, see
Microsoft Article 885957.

Repararam que os certificado SAN são finalmente suportados?

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