27 de abril de 2007

Leitura de fim-de-semana

Exchange 2007 PBX Configuration Note for Cisco Call Manager 5.1

Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging PBX Configuration Note for Cisco Call Manager 5.1 é um documento técnico com instruções passo-a-passo para configurar um PBX Cisco Call Manager (CCM), de modo a interligá-lo com o Exchange Server 2007.

Brief Description
This PBX configuration note contains information about deploying Exchange 2007 UM with a Cisco Call Manager 5.1 using direct SIP connection. You can use it to help decide if Exchange 2007 UM is the appropriate solution for your organization.

This download contains the PBX configuration note (preview) for Microsoft Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging with:
- PBX Vendor: Cisco
- PBX model: Call Manager 5.1
- PBX software:
- Protocol: Direct SIP Connection

26 de abril de 2007

TechNet Magazine - Maio 2007

Já está disponível a TechNet Magazine de Maio e desta vez o tema é Messaging e Unified Communications.
Aqui ficam os links para alguns dos artigos para vos aguçar o apetite:

18 de abril de 2007

Update rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB930809)

A Microsoft disponibilizou uma actualização para o Exchange Server 2007: Update rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB930809).

"Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2007 since the software was released. This update rollup is highly recommended for all Exchange Server 2007 customers."

Esta actualização inclui correcção para os seguintes problemas:

  • 932487 - The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service stops unexpectedly when the Exchange Server 2007-based server replicates the Public folder
  • 929756 - The DoSnapshotSet method may stop responding in the Exchange store, and a backup application stops responding on an Exchange 2007 server
  • 930572 - Wrong attendee times shown in Outlook when client and CAS servers are in different timezones

E aqui fica o link para o respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

16 de abril de 2007

Windows PowerShell Quick Reference

Windows PowerShell Quick Reference é uma publicação em formato electrónico da autoria de Lee Holmes. São 115 páginas sobre a coqueluche de scripting e command-line da Microsoft que qualquer administrador de sistemas deverá sempre ter à mão.

"For years, support for scripting and command-line administration on the Windows platform has paled in comparison to the support offered by the Unix platform. Unix administrators enjoyed the immense power and productivity of their command shells, while Windows administrators watched in envy. Windows PowerShell, Microsoft's next-generation command shell and scripting language, changes this landscape completely. This Short Cut contains the essential reference material to help you get your work done-including the scripting language syntax, a regular-expression reference, useful .NET classes, and much more."

Update for Outlook 2007 (KB933493)

A Microsoft disponibilizou na passada semana um hotfix para o Outlook 2007. Esta pequena actualização pretende endereçar um problema que acontece com alguns items do Calendário e corrige ainda um problema de desempenho que ocorre quando se trabalha com ficheiros .pst e .ost de grande dimensão.
Esta actualização é acompanhada pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

Brief Description
This update fixes a problem in which a calendar item that is marked as private is opened if it is found by using the Search Desktop feature. The update also fixes performance issues that occur when you work with items in a large .pst file or .ost file.

12 de abril de 2007

System Center Capacity Planner 2007 Beta 1

Estava a ler o blog do meu caro amigo Anderson Patrício, quando reparei nesta notícia.
Já está disponível publicamente a Beta 1 do System Center Capacity Planner 2007, que permite planear e dimensionar soluções de correio electrónico com o Exchange Server 2007.
O registo para a versão Beta deverá ser feito no site Microsoft Connect.

Developing a reliable, scalable architecture for enterprise applications like Microsoft Exchange 2007 and Microsoft Operations Manager 2007 is critical for the success of the implementation, the productivity of the end user, and the overall cost of the solution itself.
Over-utilized servers result in performance degradation and loss of end user productivity.
Microsoft System Center Capacity Planner 2007 provides the IT professional with the guidance required to plan a new deployment in the most efficient manner, while also delivering “what-if” analysis to optimize existing implementations.

Key Features
• Simple installation and setup
• Built-in knowledge of Exchange and Operations Manager
• Recommended topology in a picture
• Model performance and response time
• Hardware library includes popular configurations

What’s New in System Center Capacity Planner 2007
• Plan for new server roles in Exchange 2007
• Select how you’ll cluster Exchange servers
• Add in background load for virus scanning
• Model 64-bit processors
• Model untrusted agents and gateway servers for Operations Manager
• Plan for multiple Operations Manager consoles

E2K7 SP1 Beta

Já está disponível para download, via TechNet ou MSDN, a versão Beta do Service Pack 1 para o Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
No site do MSDN consegui apenas aceder à versão x64, mas a versão de 32-bit deverá ser igualmente disponibilizada.
As Release Notes para este Service Pack já há algum tempo que foram disponibilizadas.
Entretanto o site You Had Me At EHLO publicou um post (Exchange Server 2007 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2) sobre os requisitos do SP1. Pelos visto parece que o Windows Server 2003 SP2 vai ser necessário antes de instalar o E2K7 SP1.
A versão RTM do SP1 do Exchange 2007 deverá estar pronta lá para o final do ano, por alturas do lançamento do Windows Longhorn.

10 de abril de 2007

TechDays 2007: slides da minha apresentação

Conforme o prometido, a organização do TechDays 2007 disponibilizou todas as apresentações na página de Conteúdos Temáticos.
Está lá obviamente a minha sessão, UCM007 - Conformidade e Retenção de Informação no Exchange Server 2007, que vos convido desde já a descarregar.
Após o enorme sucesso que foi este evento, está já em curso o Microsoft TechDays 2008, com data prevista para Março de 2008.
Fiquem atentos!

5 de abril de 2007

Leitura de fim-de-semana

Como amanhã é feriado, o fim-de-semana começa mais cedo.

Update: Ferramentas de Exchange

Nos últimos tempos a Microsoft tem actualizado algumas ferramentas úteis do Exchange Server. A razão prende-se normalmente com a resolução de pequenos bugs ou com a adição de novas funcionalidades. Aqui fica o último conjunto de ferramentas que passou por este processo:

4 de abril de 2007

Managing Transport in Exchange Server 2007

Alguém está com vontade de ler 460 páginas de documentação técnica? Então Managing Transport in Exchange Server 2007 é o documento ideal para vocês.

This guide is a compilation of transport-specific Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Help topics designed to help you manage and configure Exchange 2007 transport servers. The information and procedures in this guide focus specifically on the message transport components of a computer that runs Exchange 2007 and has the Hub Transport server role or the Edge Transport server role installed. This guide provides overviews of the transport components and the tasks you must perform to manage and configure them.

This first section provides information and links to the relevant topics that will help you manage and configure Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 transport servers. The procedures in this section focus specifically on the message transport components of a computer that runs Exchange 2007 and has the Hub Transport server role or the Edge Transport server role installed.

You must have the correct level of permissions to manage Exchange 2007 servers.

The Edge Transport server is installed as a stand-alone server in the perimeter network outside the Exchange organization. You must log on by using an account that is a member of the local administrators group to manage an Edge Transport server.

The Hub Transport server provides the message transport functionality for all mail flow that occurs in the Exchange organization. The permissions that are required to manage Hub Transport servers depend on the scope of the effect of the task that is performed. To learn more about the required permissions for Hub Transport server management, see the individual procedures.

2 de abril de 2007

Dia das mentiras @ You Had Me At EHLO

Não sou um especial adepto do dia das mentiras, mas o post que a equipa da Microsoft do Exchange Server colocou no blog You Had Me At EHLO é verdadeiramente hilariante.
Some breaking Exchange news... revela algumas novidades sobre as versões corrente e futura do Exchange Server. Acho particularmente interessante a parte dos servidores de 57-bit ;-)

MVP 2007/2008

Foi com bastante agrado que recebi a minha convocatória para a lista dos seleccionados MVP 2007/2008 ;-)

Dear Rui Silva, Congratulations!
We are pleased to present you with the 2007 Microsoft® MVP Award!
The Microsoft MVP Award is our way of saying thank you and to honor and support the significant contributions you make to communities worldwide. As a recipient of Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional award, you join an elite group of technical community leaders from around the world who foster the free and objective exchange of knowledge by actively sharing your real world expertise with users and Microsoft. Microsoft salutes all MVPs for promoting the spirit of community and enhancing people’s lives and the industry’s success everyday. To learn more about the MVP Program, visit: www.microsoft.com/mvp.
Your extraordinary efforts in Windows Server System - Exchange Server technical communities during the past year are greatly appreciated. The benefits you will enjoy as a recipient of the MVP Award are outlined below.

Uma vantagem imediata desta renomeação é que garanti desde já o convite para participar no próximo MVP Summit que se vai realizar em Abril de 2008.
Resta-me agradecer a todos os que contribuem para as comunidades técnicas, à Microsoft por manter vivo este programa e a todos os que lêem este blog.