18 de janeiro de 2007

PowerShell Space Invaders

Esta eu descobri no blog do Paul Flaherty (aka Flaphead). Alguém se deu ao trabalho de fazer um Space Invaders utilizando o PowerShell. Segundo o autor:

In a previous post I said that I always like to try to write space invaders in every language that I learn. Well, PowerShell in the standard Windows console window looked like a great candidate so I set about the task in my spare time. My colleagues Richy King, Nik Crabtree and Brian Long joined in the efforts and between us, after 37 revisions, we came up with something that was:
a) Silly
b) Inappropriate use of PowerShell
c) Quite a bit of fun.

Ainda não tive oportunidade de jogar, mas o aspecto gráfico não está nada mau.

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