29 de janeiro de 2007

Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools (32-Bit)

O Exchange Server 2007 é um produto de 64 bit, pelo que as ferramentas de gestão que o acompanham são igualmente para esta arquitectura.
Tradicionalmente, sempre foi possível realizar a instalação das ferramentas de administração do programa num servidor ou estação de trabalho remotos, pelo que a Microsoft disponibilizou a versão 32-bit desta parte do software: Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools (32-Bit).

Brief Description
Exchange Server 2007 is a native 64-bit application that includes 64-bit management tools. You can use the management tools to administer your Exchange Server environment remotely. If the remote computer is running a 32-bit operating system, you will need to download the 32-bit management tools.

The Exchange management tools include the Exchange Management Console, the Exchange Management Shell, the Exchange Help file, the Microsoft Exchange Best Practices Analyzer Tool, and the Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant Tool.

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-Bit x86); Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows XP

27 de janeiro de 2007

Webcasts de Exchange em Fevereiro

Directamente do blog da Eileen Brown:

TechNet Webcast: Labcast Series (Part 1 of 8): Installing Exchange Server 2007 (Level 200)
Friday, February 02, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 05 of 24): Transitioning and Migrating to Exchange Server 2007 (Level 200)
Monday, February 05, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 06 of 24): Configuring Exchange Server Introduction (Level 200)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 07 of 24): Configuring Exchange Server Conclusion (Level 200)
Friday, February 09, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2007 Guided Labcast Series (Part 2 of 8): Analysis Tools in Exchange Server 2007 (Level 200)
Monday, February 12, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 08 of 24): Introduction to Windows PowerShell (Level 200)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific TimeHarold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 09 of 24): Using PowerShell for Exchange Management (Level 200)
Friday, February 16, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2007 Guided Labcast Series (Part 3 of 8): Compliance and Retention (Level 200)
Monday, February 19, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: The Windows PowerShell Scripting Crash Course (Level 200)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Don Jones, Scripting Guru, Author, SAPIEN Technology

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 10 of 24): Recipient Management, Policies, and Permissions (Level 200)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: Protecting Your Exchange Server with Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) (Level 300)
Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Jason Buffington, Technical Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 11 of 24): Messaging Policies and Compliance (Level 200)
Friday, February 23, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2007 Guided Labcast Series (Part 4 of 8): Using Management Console and Shell (Level 200)
Monday, February 26, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

Momentum Webcast: Discover the Next Generation of Communications with Exchange Server 2007 (Level 100)
Thursday, February 01, 2007 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time
Tim Armstrong, Solutions Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Webcast: Deploying Exchange Server 2007 (Level 100)
Thursday, February 08, 2007 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Karl Sand, Senior Solutions Architect, AdvaiyaAaron Duggal, Principal Consultant, Advaiya

26 de janeiro de 2007

Leitura de fim-de-semana

25 de janeiro de 2007

Outlook Home Page

Provavelmente, até o leitor mais distraído já terá reparado que este blog se centra no Microsoft Exchange Server. Mas este assunto não se esgota neste produto servidor da Microsoft, há tanto mais para falar, desde comunicações unificadas, técnicas anti-spam, ferramentas de terceiros, alternativas comerciais e open-source, etc.
Uma das partes que eu tenho tendência a descurar é a parte cliente de uma plataforma de messaging, e que na maior parte das vezes é o Microsoft Outlook. O Outlook é um grande software, nesta nova versão é muito mais que um simples leitor de correio electrónico.
Há muitos sites na Internet dedicados ao Outlook, como por exemplo o do fellow MVP Ricardo Silva: RSOUTLOOK.
No entanto, a principal razão porque escrevo este post é para vos falar da Home Page do Microsoft Outlook. Lá poderão encontrar não só documentação técnica, mas também informação sobre versões de avaliação, suporte, notícias, etc. Visitem-na, vale bem a pena.

Informação técnica de Exchange na HP

A HP sempre foi um dos principais parceiros da Microsoft, parceria essa que ter-se-á acentuado com a aquisição da Compaq.
Desde os primeiros tempos em que comecei a trabalhar com o Exchange, que os servidores HP/Compaq foram sempre o hardware mais utilizado para esta plataforma de correio electrónico. Aliás, a minha primeira instalação de Exchange, versão 5.0, foi feita num servidor Compaq ProLiant 1600.
A HP e a Microsoft têm trabalhado conjuntamente para produzir alguma documentação técnica de elevada qualidade sobre Microsoft Exchange. Essa documentação está disponível no site da HP neste link.
Eu próprio já bloguei sobre algumas das ferramentas disponibilizadas no site, tal como o HP Storage Planning Calculator for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Também já tive a oportunidade de testar um storage server deste fabricante e escrever 2 artigos sobre o assunto:

Tudo isto sempre com a preciosa ajuda da documentação técnica disponibilizada pela HP.

18 de janeiro de 2007

Exchange 2007 Visio Stencil

A Microsoft disponibilizou há sensivelmente 1 mês um stencil de Visio com as shapes necessárias para desenhar uma solução de messaging baseada em Exchange Server 2007: Office Visio Stencil Containing Shapes for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

This stencil and template provided enable you to create Visio drawings that contain Exchange Server 2007 objects. These shapes include icons for Exchange 2007 server roles, networking, telephony and Unified Messaging objects, Active Directory and directory service objects, client computers and devices, and other Exchange organization elements.

System Requirements
• Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows 2000 Server; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP
• Microsoft Office Visio 2003 or later.

To use this stencil, place these 2 files (MicrosoftExchangeServer2007_Icons.vst and MicrosoftExchangeServer2007_Icons.vss) in your local C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\My Shapes folder. In Visio, click File, click Open, and then go to your My Shapes folder. Open the MicrosoftExchangeServer2007_Icons.vst file. The shapes will appear in the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 stencil in the Shapes pane.

PowerShell Space Invaders

Esta eu descobri no blog do Paul Flaherty (aka Flaphead). Alguém se deu ao trabalho de fazer um Space Invaders utilizando o PowerShell. Segundo o autor:

In a previous post I said that I always like to try to write space invaders in every language that I learn. Well, PowerShell in the standard Windows console window looked like a great candidate so I set about the task in my spare time. My colleagues Richy King, Nik Crabtree and Brian Long joined in the efforts and between us, after 37 revisions, we came up with something that was:
a) Silly
b) Inappropriate use of PowerShell
c) Quite a bit of fun.

Ainda não tive oportunidade de jogar, mas o aspecto gráfico não está nada mau.

17 de janeiro de 2007

Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in (MOSA)

A Microsoft disponibilizou um add-in para o Microsoft Outlook versões 2003 e 2007: Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in (MOSA). Este add-in permite o envio de mensagens SMS directamente a partir do Outlook, desde que se tenha um telemóvel ou um modem GSM ligado ao computador.

This download will enable you to send SMS text messages through most GSM mobile phones connected to your PC using Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2003. You can enter your SMS text within a Outlook-type entry form and have it sent to your mobile phone for delivery through your mobile phone network service. There is no requirement to install third-party software or to subscribe to additional mobile network services if your mobile phone can be connected to your PC. This is typically via an infrared connection, Bluetooth technology, or a USB/serial cable. The SMS messages can be saved as a draft, grouped, and forwarded like standard Microsoft Outlook e-mail.

A instalação é bastante simples e requer apenas um restart ao Outlook. No final é acrescentada uma nova toolbar, conforme se ilustra na figura seguinte.

Ao clicar em "New SMS Message", é aberta uma janela para a inserção do texto.

Actualização p/ ISA 2006 p/ publicação de Exchange 2007

A Microsoft disponibilizou uma actualização para o ISA Server 2006 (Update for Publishing Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 for Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006) para suportar a publicação do Exchange Server 2007.

This ISA Server 2006 update adds support for publishing Exchange Server 2007 with ISA Server 2006.

• The Attachment Blocking option is no longer available when publishing Outlook Web Access for Exchange 2007. If you are using Exchange Server 2007, we recommend you configure attachment blocking on the Exchange 2007 server. For more information about configuring attachment blocking on Exchange Server 2007, see Exchange Server 2007 product Help.
• This hot fix also updates the ISA Server Management MMC snap-in.

System Requirements
• Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003
• Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Standard Edition
• Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Enterprise Edition
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

16 de janeiro de 2007

Actualização para o Exchange 2003 (KB 922817)

A Microsoft disponibilizou ontem uma actualização para o Exchange 2003 (KB 922817).

Brief Description

This update resolves issues which may occur if a server running Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is used to generate an Offline Address List (also known as Offline Address Book) after Exchange Server 2007 has been deployed.


This update is required if the Offline Address Book (OAB) generation is moved from an Exchange 2007 server to an Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) server. It resolves issues which are caused due to changes in the OAB version 4 in Exchange 2007.

This update is also recommended if the OAB is generated on an Exchange Server 2003 SP2 server after Exchange 2007 is deployed in the Exchange organization.

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-Bit x86); Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
  • Exchange 2003 SP2 must be installed prior to installing this update.

Artigo da Knowledge Base

Error message when you try to change the offline address list server from Exchange Server 2007 to Exchange Server 2003: "The target server cannot support OAB"

15 de janeiro de 2007

Microsoft TechDays 2007

Depois do sucesso que foram os TechDays 2005, vai-se realizar durante os próximos dias 20, 21 e 22 de Março o mais importante evento técnico organizado pela Microsoft Portugal: TechDays 2007.

Conteúdos Temáticos:

  • System Center e Forefront
  • Plataforma de Comunicações Unificadas
  • Office system de 2007
  • Windows Server codename "Longhorn"
  • Business Intelligence
  • Virtualização
  • .NET 3.0
  • Web Live
  • Team System


  • Até 15-Fev: 99€
  • A partir de 16-Fev: 150 €

Leitura de fim-de-semana

Após algum tempo de ausência devido a compromissos profissionais, a rúbrica "Leitura defim-de-semana" está de volta (mesmo que com um ligeiro atraso).

10 de janeiro de 2007

Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook (Janeiro 2007)

Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003.

"This update provides the Junk E-mail Filter in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 with a more current definition of which e-mail messages should be considered junk e-mail."

O download está disponível aqui ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

Technorati : , ,
Del.icio.us : , ,