27 de novembro de 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress 2010 v14.01.0225.017

A ferramenta Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress 2010 v14.01.0225.017 (32 e 64 bit) está disponível para ser descarregada a partir do Microsoft download center.

Brief Description
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.

Use Jetstress 2010 to verify the performance and stability of a disk subsystem prior to putting a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, 2007 and 2010 server into production. Jetstress helps verify disk performance by simulating Exchange disk Input/Output (I/O) load. Specifically, Jetstress simulates the Exchange database and log file loads produced by a specific number of users. You use Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and ESEUTIL in conjunction with Jetstress to verify that your disk subsystem meets or exceeds the performance criteria you establish. After a successful completion of the Jetstress Disk Performance and Stress Tests in a non-production environment, you will have ensured that your Exchange disk subsystem is adequately sized (in terms of performance criteria you establish) for the user count and user profiles you have established. It is highly recommended that the Jetstress user read through the tool documentation before using the tool.

TechNet Magazine – Novembro 2010

A edição de Novembro 2010 da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para leitura online.

Artigos em Destaque:


Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook (Novembro 2010)

Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003/2007.

"Esta actualização fornece ao Filtro de Correio Publicitário Não Solicitado do Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 uma definição mais actualizada das mensagens de correio electrónico que devem ser consideradas correio publicitário não solicitado."

O download está disponível para as versões Outlook 2003 e Outlook 2007, ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

Microsoft Exchange 2010 Visio Stencil [Nov 2010]

Apesar do Microsoft Exchange 2010 Visio Stencil ter sido disponibilizado no início deste mês, só agora arranjei tempo para blogar sobre o assunto.

Brief Description
This download contains a Microsoft Office Visio stencil with shapes for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

Use this stencil to create Visio drawings that contain Exchange 2010 objects. These shapes include icons for the following:

  • Exchange 2010 server roles
  • Features new to Exchange 2010 SP1
  • Networking, telephony, and Unified Messaging objects
  • Active Directory and directory service objects
  • Client computers and devices
  • Other Exchange organization elements

20 de novembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

12 de novembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

7 de novembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana