23 de dezembro de 2010

TechNet Magazine – Dezembro 2010

A edição de Dezembro 2010 da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para leitura online.

Artigos em Destaque:


Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook (Dezembro 2010)

Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003/2007.

"Esta actualização fornece ao Filtro de Correio Publicitário Não Solicitado do Microsoft Office Outlook uma definição mais actualizada das mensagens de correio electrónico que devem ser consideradas correio publicitário não solicitado."

O download está disponível para as versões Outlook 2003 e Outlook 2007, ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

17 de dezembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

27 de novembro de 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress 2010 v14.01.0225.017

A ferramenta Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress 2010 v14.01.0225.017 (32 e 64 bit) está disponível para ser descarregada a partir do Microsoft download center.

Brief Description
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.

Use Jetstress 2010 to verify the performance and stability of a disk subsystem prior to putting a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, 2007 and 2010 server into production. Jetstress helps verify disk performance by simulating Exchange disk Input/Output (I/O) load. Specifically, Jetstress simulates the Exchange database and log file loads produced by a specific number of users. You use Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and ESEUTIL in conjunction with Jetstress to verify that your disk subsystem meets or exceeds the performance criteria you establish. After a successful completion of the Jetstress Disk Performance and Stress Tests in a non-production environment, you will have ensured that your Exchange disk subsystem is adequately sized (in terms of performance criteria you establish) for the user count and user profiles you have established. It is highly recommended that the Jetstress user read through the tool documentation before using the tool.

TechNet Magazine – Novembro 2010

A edição de Novembro 2010 da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para leitura online.

Artigos em Destaque:


Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook (Novembro 2010)

Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003/2007.

"Esta actualização fornece ao Filtro de Correio Publicitário Não Solicitado do Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 uma definição mais actualizada das mensagens de correio electrónico que devem ser consideradas correio publicitário não solicitado."

O download está disponível para as versões Outlook 2003 e Outlook 2007, ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

Microsoft Exchange 2010 Visio Stencil [Nov 2010]

Apesar do Microsoft Exchange 2010 Visio Stencil ter sido disponibilizado no início deste mês, só agora arranjei tempo para blogar sobre o assunto.

Brief Description
This download contains a Microsoft Office Visio stencil with shapes for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

Use this stencil to create Visio drawings that contain Exchange 2010 objects. These shapes include icons for the following:

  • Exchange 2010 server roles
  • Features new to Exchange 2010 SP1
  • Networking, telephony, and Unified Messaging objects
  • Active Directory and directory service objects
  • Client computers and devices
  • Other Exchange organization elements

20 de novembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

12 de novembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

7 de novembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

27 de outubro de 2010

Parabéns “subject: exchange”

Pois é, o tempo passa depressa… Faz hoje 6 anos que me iniciei nesta aventura dos blogs, e foi exactamente aqui, no “subject:exchange” que tudo começou.

1056 posts depois, o balanço é francamente positivo: iniciei mais uns quantos blogs (http://msmvps.com/ehlo, http://blogs.msexchange.org/silva/), fui nomeado MVP e aprendi imenso com o resto da Comunidade técnica.

A todos os leitores deste blog, um grande bem-haja!

24 de outubro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

16 de outubro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

10 de outubro de 2010

Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1

O Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (KB2407028) foi recentemente disponibilizado para download.

A equipa de Exchange da Microsoft Exchange disponibilizou informação adicional no seu blog sobre esta actualização, da qual gostaria de chamar a atenção para o seguinte:

Note for Forefront users

For those of you running Forefront, be sure you perform these important steps from the command line in the Forefront directory before and after this rollup's installation process. Without these steps, Exchange services for Information Store and Transport will not start back up. You will need to disable ForeFront via fscutility /disable before installing the patch and then re-enable after the patch by running fscutility /enable to start it up again post installation.

Ainda de acordo com a mesma fonte, o Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 está neste momento agendado para sair em Dezembro.

Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 since the software was released. This update rollup is highly recommended for all Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 customers.
For a list of changes that are included in this update rollup, see

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems:Windows 7;Windows Server 2008 R2;Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2;Windows Vista Service Pack 2
  • Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 must be installed prior to installing this update rollup.
  • Any Interim Updates for Exchange Server 2010 must be uninstalled prior to installing this update rollup.

Leitura de fim-de-semana

7 de outubro de 2010

Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator v12.8

O Ross Smith IV anunciou no Microsoft Exchange Team Blog que a ferramenta Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator foi mais uma vez actualizada, agora para a versão 12.8.

De acordo com a página de registo de actualizações, estas são as principais novidades:

Enhancements (introduced in version 12.1)

    1. Open a web browser and got to www.spec.org.
    2. Click on Results, highlight CPU2006 and then select Search CPU2006 Results.
    3. Under Available Configurations, select SPECint2006 Rates and click Go.  Under Simple Request, enter the search criteria (e.g. Processor matches x5550).
    4. Find the server and processor you are planning to deploy and take note of the result value. For example, let's say you are deploying a Dell PowerEdge M710 8-core server with Intel x5550 2.67GHz processors (2670 Hertz); the SPECint_rate2006 results value is 240.
  • Added Megacycle Multiplication Factor – this works exactly like the IOPS Multiplication Feature does and was added as a result of RIM providing E2010 guidance on megacycle impact due to Blackberry devices.
  • Active/Active user distribution scenarios.  Yes, really!  An Active/Active user distribution architecture has the user population dispersed across both datacenters (usually evenly) with each datacenter being the primary datacenter for its specific user population.  In the event of a failure, the user population can be activated in the secondary datacenter (either via cross-datacenter single database *over or via full datacenter activation).
  • Added a new worksheet/section that documents the Activation Scenarios for DAG deployments. 
  • Added error reporting validation logic if HA solution results in greater than 16 servers in a DAG to not show any results, since the design is invalid.
  • Dumpster size calculations have been optimized as calendar versioning storage has been reduced from 5.8% impact to 3% impact in SP1.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed total number of databases/server calculation to deal with Active/Active (Single DAG) scenario correctly with respect to dedicated DR servers
  • Fixed storage design disk calculations formulas for Active/Active (Single DAG) scenario, i.e., don't recommend JBOD in scenario where only single copy is deployed (e.g., lagged copy deployed in secondary datacenter without dedicated hardware) 
  • Fixed Number of Active Mailbox Servers in DC2 calculation to not double count lagged copies when deploying Active/Active (Single DAG) scenario and deploying lagged copy in both Primary and Secondary Datacenters
  • Fixed # of Target Lagged Copy Log Stream calculations to not double count lagged copies when deploying Active/Active (Single DAG) scenario and deploying lagged copy in both Primary and Secondary Datacenters
  • Fixed second DAG Member Layout Table to show number of servers for both Active/Active scenarios

Para obter instruções detalhadas sobre a utilização da ferramenta, consultem Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator.

Para fazer download da ferramenta, cliquem aqui.

TechNet Magazine – Setembro 2010

A edição de Setembro de 2010 da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para ser lida online.

Artigos em Destaque:


Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3

OK, isto não são propriamente notícias fresquinhas, mas uma vez que tenho andado extremamente ocupado, não tive oportunidade de blogar sobre o assunto até agora: o Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 foi disponibilizado para download.

Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2007 SP3 since the software was released. This update rollup is highly recommended for all Exchange Server 2007 SP3 customers.
For a list of changes that are included in this update rollup, see
This update rollup does not apply to Exchange Server 2007 Release To Manufacturing (RTM), Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2).
For a list of update rollups applicable to Exchange Server 2007 RTM , Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2), refer to the Knowledge Base article

Exchange Server Active Directory Schema Changes Reference, September 2010

Se você é daquelas pessoas que gosta de saber todos os pormenores e detalhes técnicos que estão por trás de uma implementação de Exchange Server, então com certeza vai gostar deste documento: Exchange Server Active Directory Schema Changes Reference, September 2010.

This download includes the Exchange Server Active Directory Schema Reference, which provides information about the changes that Microsoft Exchange Server makes to the Active Directory schema when it is installed. The Exchange Server Active Directory Schema Changes Reference includes changes made by Exchange Server 2010 SP1, Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007, and Exchange Server 2003.

3 de outubro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

24 de setembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

19 de setembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana

12 de setembro de 2010

Leitura de fim-de-semana