29 de dezembro de 2008

RECOMENDADO - Exchange Management Shell: TFM

Recente, num dia de chuva, passei uma tarde muito agradável a tentar melhorar os meus conhecimentos de PowerShell. Para isso, decidi ler Exchange Management Shell: TFM, um livro da autoria de Ilse Van Criekinge, Exchange MVP e vencedora do concurso Speaker Idol no Tech.Ed EMEA 2007.

"Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 was the first application designed to be managed 100% in Windows PowerShell - so how do you do it?  How can you break the bonds of GUI-based administration, stop clicking buttons, and learn to be more effective and efficient?  Exchange Management Shell: TFM provides the answers in a "cookbook" format that focuses on real-world Exchange Server 2007 management tasks, and how to accomplish them in Windows PowerShell.  This authoritative and comprehensive book includes a standardized "crash course" in Windows PowerShell for newcomers, and dives right into the nuts and bolts of becoming a leading-edge, command-line Exchange administrator."

Enquanto folheava cada página, dei por mim a experimentar cmdlets, a testar novos parâmetros, a revisitar velhos conceitos e a aprender coisas novas.

Depois de terminada a leitura, posso sinceramente afirmar que este é o género de livro que qualquer administrador de Exchange Server devia ter na sua secretária!

Tal como a Ilse diz, este não é o tipo de livro que explica detalhadamente os conceitos técnicos do Exchange Server 2007, é antes de mais um cookbook, uma referência para os profissionais de Exchange em busca de soluções para as tarefas do dia-a-dia.

O livro está particularmente talhado para todos os que se sentem limitados pela Exchange Management Console nas tarefas de gestão e automatização do Exchange Server 2007, e pretendem tirar partido de todos os benefícios do PowerShell, aprendendo através dos inúmeros exemplos incluídos.

24 de dezembro de 2008

ACTUALIZADO: Ferramentas de migração Lotus Notes

A Microsoft actualizou recentemente as suas ferramentas de migração de Lotus Notes:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes v06.05.8067 - The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes supports the migration of Lotus Domino R5 and R6 mailboxes and associated Domino directory information to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 Active Directory. This tool replaces the Migration Wizard that ships with Exchange Server 2003 (including SP2), and includes improved retention of contents and Unicode characters during the migration from Domino to Exchange Server 2003.
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Connector for Lotus Notes v06.05.8067 - The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Connector for Lotus Notes supports messaging and calendaring interoperability between Lotus Domino R5/R6 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 Active Directory. This tool replaces the Connector that ships with Exchange Server 2003 (including SP2), and includes several updates to support better message fidelity when routing email between Exchange and Domino, support of iNotes and Domino Web Access clients, enhanced Unicode support and reliability.
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Calendar Connector for Lotus Notes v06.05.8067 - The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Calendar Connector for Lotus Notes supports the sharing of calendar free/busy schedules between Lotus Domino R5 and R6 and Exchange Server 2003. This tool replaces the Calendar Connector that ships with Exchange Server 2003 (including SP2), and is designed to be used with the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Connector.

18 de dezembro de 2008

Exchange Server Remote Connectivity Analyzer

Não se trata propriamente de notícias frescas, esta ferramenta já está disponível há algum tempo, mas era apenas um protótipo. Agora que entrou finalmente em Beta, resolvi blogar sobre o assunto.

Shawn McGrath do Exchange Product Group e Brad Hughes dos Product Support Services criaram uma ferramenta Web chamada Exchange Server Remote Connectivity Analyzer (Ex­RCA), que pode ser bastante útil na validação das ligações remotas que qualquer servidor de Exchange deve disponibilizar:

  • Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Test
    This test will simulate the steps a mobile device uses to connect to an Exchange Server using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync AutoDiscover Test
    This test will walk through the steps a Windows Mobile 6.1 device (or another AirSync licensed device) uses to connect to the AutoDiscover Service
  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 AutoDiscover Connectivity Test
    This test will walk through the steps Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 uses to connect to AutoDiscover
  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 RPC/HTTP Connectivity Test
    This test will walk through the steps Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 uses to connect via RPC/HTTP
  • Inbound SMTP Email Test
    This test will walk through the steps an Internet e-mail server uses to send inbound SMTP email to your domain

Anderson Patricio, MVP de Exchange, escreveu um tutorial sobre a utilização desta ferramenta:

Microsoft Office Outlook Connector 12.1

O Microsoft Office Outlook Connector 12.1 saiu finalmente de Beta e está pronto a ser descarregado do site da Microsoft.

Brief Description
With Microsoft Office Outlook Connector, you can use Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to access and manage your Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail or Microsoft Office Live Mail accounts, including e-mail messages, contacts and calendars for free!

With Microsoft Office Outlook Connector, you can use Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to access and manage your Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail or Microsoft Office Live Mail accounts, including e-mail messages, contacts and calendars for free!
Outlook Connector enables you to use your Live Hotmail accounts within Outlook:

  • Read and send your Office Live Mail/Windows Live Hotmail e-mail messages.
  • Manage your contacts in Windows Live Hotmail.
  • Use advanced options for blocking junk e-mail messages.
  • Manage multiple e-mail accounts in one place.
  • Manage, and synchronize multiple calendars, including shared calendars to Windows Live Calendar from Outlook.

Note to Premium Subscribers: If you are currently using MSN Calendar service, the Outlook Connector 12.1 will automatically migrate your calendar to the new Windows Live Calendar service. Once upgraded to Windows Live Calendar, you will be able to synchronize multiple calendars, including shared calendars to Outlook! However you will no longer be able to access MSN Calendar through Microsoft Office Outlook.
In order to make sure that all of your calendar items on the MSN Calendar service are correctly migrated to the Windows Live Calendar, you should follow these steps:
  1. With Outlook Connector 12.0 installed, synchronize your calendar in Microsoft Office Outlook with the MSN Calendar service one last time.
  2. After synchronization is complete, do not create new items on the MSN Calendar site. If you do, you will have to synchronize again using Outlook Connector 12.0 before migrating to Outlook Connector 12.1.
  3. Install Outlook Connector 12.1.
  4. Start Outlook. At this point, the Outlook Connector 12.1 will upload all of your appointments and meetings to your new Windows Live Calendar.

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP
  • This download works with the following Office programs:
    • 2007 Microsoft Office system
    • Microsoft Office 2003
    • Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
    • Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Para mais informações, leiam este post da equipa do Microsoft Office Outlook: Microsoft Office Outlook Connector 12.1 is here!

12 de dezembro de 2008

10 de dezembro de 2008

Actualização do filtro Junk Email do Outlook (Dezembro 2008)

Está disponível uma nova actualização para o filtro Junk E-mail do Outlook 2003/2007.

"This update provides the Junk E-mail Filter in Microsoft Office Outlook with a more current definition of which e-mail messages should be considered junk e-mail."

O download está disponível para as versões Outlook 2003 e Outlook 2007, ou através do Microsoft Update. Como é habitual, está acompanhado pelo respectivo artigo da Knowledge Base:

6 de dezembro de 2008

Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox Server Storage Cost Calculator v4.0

A equipa de Exchange da Microsoft actualizou recentemente o Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox Server Storage Cost Calculator.

De acordo com o post no blog You Had Me At EHLO, estas são as principais novidades:

  • We introduced the capability for you to select the type of backup solution you want to utilize when analyzing the cost of various disk configurations.  You can now choose either VSS Clone, VSS Snapshot, or disable the feature all together.  We also adjusted the language to recommend usage of VSS clones or a solution that can guarantee fast recovery (3 minutes + log replay) in the event that you choose to deploy large mailboxes without continuous replication.
  • We allow you to choose as to whether you want to price things out on an individual component perspective (e.g. disk cost) or from an entire solution cost.
  • We allow you to enter in the number of storage enclosures and storage controllers, their relevant costs and power consumption as well.
  • We simplified the SCC vs. CCR tab.

Para informações detalhadas de utilização da ferramenta, leiam este post.

Leitura de fim-de-semana

4 de dezembro de 2008

TechNet Magazine - Janeiro 2009

A edição de Janeiro da TechNet Magazine já está disponível para leitura online ou, se preferirem, podem fazer download em formato  HTML Help (ficheiro .chm) para consulta posterior.

Este número revela algumas das novas funcionalidades do Identity Lifecycle Manager "2", que pode ser utilizado, por exemplo, para sincronizar GALs de Exchange.

A coluna Exchange Queue & A está de volta, por isso não se esqueçam de lê-la.


2 de dezembro de 2008


ExclusivelyExchange.com é um site dedicado ao Microsoft Exchange Server, desenvolvido por J. Peter Bruzzese, com montes de artigos técnicos, clips e vídeos... E o melhor disto é que é tudo *GRÁTIS*!

We are here and we are ready to serve your needs, whether it be making decisions regarding the direction your organization should go in designing your Exchange organization from the ground up, transitioning over from a legacy version of Exchange, migrating over from Lotus or Groupware, or simply for ongoing configuration, maintenance, performance enhancement and support of your Exchange world. Whatever your Exchange need, if we don't have the answers here.... we will lead you in the right direction.