Existe muita documentação sobre Exchange disponível na Internet. A equipa de Exchange da Microsoft é sem dúvida muito activa neste campo.
No entanto, não há nada como o cheiro a papel e o prazer de desfolhar um livro técnico bem grosso. Infelizmente o preço destas "bíblias" técnicas nem sempre é o mais apelativo. Felizmente existem muitos autores que disponibilizam amostras dos seus trabalhos através da disponibilização de capítulos inteirinhos.
Fazendo alguma pesquisa na Internet consegue-se reunir uma boa colecção destas prendas, uma verdadeira biblioteca online de Exchange.
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled, Scott Schnoll
Exchange Server 2003 Tips and Tricks
• Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, Patricia Cardoza
Managing Outlook Folders in Office 2003
• Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 24seven, Jim McBee; Barry Gerber
Chapter 4: Understanding Exchange 2003 Data Storage
• CYA Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access, Henrik Walther, Patrick Santry
Chapter 5 Securing the Outlook Web Access Server
• Mastering™ Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 ,Barry Gerber
Chapter 4: Exchange Server 2003 Architecture
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Delta Guide, David McAmis, Don Jones
Chapter 8 "Security"
• Learning Exchange Server 2003, William Boswell
Migrating from Legacy Exchange
Chapter 5, “Managing Recipients and Distribution Lists”
• Anti-Spam Tool Kit, Paul Wolfe Charlie Scott Mike Erwi
Chapter 11, Anti-Spam Servers for Windows
Chapter 5, "Blocking spammers with DNS blacklists"
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, Tony Redmond
Chapter 1, "A Brief History of Exchange"
Chapter 8, "Performance and clusters"
• The Administrator Shortcut Guide to Email Protection, Paul Robichaux
Chapter 3, "Server-Side Antivirus Protection"
• Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2003, Jerry Cochran
Chapter 4, "When Exchange Servers Fall Down"
Chapter 5, "Protecting and Recovering Exchange data"
• MCSA/MCSE Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Exam Cram 2, Orin Thomas, Will Schmied and Ed Tittel
Chapter 6, “Managing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting the Exchange Organization”
• The Definitive Guide to E-Mail Management and Security, Kevin Beaver
Chapter 6, “Managing e-mail effectively”
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Unleashed, Rand Morimoto
Chapter 3, "Installing Exchange Server 2003"
Chapter 15 "Migrating from Exchange v5.5 to Exchange Server 2003"
• Secure Messaging with Microsoft Exchange 2003, Paul Robichaux
Chapter 13 "Securing Outlook"
• Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, Mike Daugherty
Chapter 9, "Backup and recovery operations"
• Exchange Server Cookbook For Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server, Paul Robichaux, Missy Koslosky, Devin Ganger
Chapter 9, "Public Folder Management"
• Microsoft Exchange Server Survival Guide, Wesley H. Peace III
Chapter 3, "Server Components"
• The Definitive Guide to Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 Security, Archie Reed, Darren Mar-Elia, and Sean Daily
Chapter 8 "Managing Exchange 2000 Post-Migration Tasks"
• Secure Messaging with Microsoft® Exchange Server 2000, Paul Robichaux
Chapter 4: Threats and Risk Assessment
• Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server Resource Kit, Microsoft Corporation
Chapter 6 Deployment Strategies
• Configuring Exchange Server 2000, Liz Mason
Chapter 1 What’s New in Exchange 2000
• Microsoft Exchange Server in a Nutshell, Mitch Tulloch
Chapter 2 Architecture and Operation
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