19 de agosto de 2008

Exchange Server 2007 suportado em Hyper-V... e não só!

É a notícia do dia, a Microsoft finalmente anunciou a sua política de suporte ao Exchange Server em ambientes virtuais. O Exchange não só será suportado em Hyper-V, mas também em qualquer hypervisor validado pelo programa Microsoft Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP).

Aqui fica um excerto da notícia publicada no blog You had me at EHLO.

  1. Microsoft now supports Exchange Server 2007 SP1 running Hyper-V or hypervisors validated under the Microsoft Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP).
  2. Microsoft is waiving its 90-day license reassignment policy to enable customers who virtualize Exchange to move their licenses between servers within a data farm as often as necessary.

Para mais detalhes, não deixem de ler Microsoft Support Policies and Recommendations for Exchange Servers in Hardware Virtualization Environments.

O Bharat fez um excelente trabalho a resumir as condições necessárias para garantir a suportabilidade:

What's supported: Exchange Server 2007 SP1 running on Windows Server 2008
Supported Exchange 2007 Server Roles: All except Unified Messaging
What Hypervisor: Microsoft Hyper-V, or any hypervisor validated by MSVVP
Not supported: Differencing disks and expandable virtual disks
Not supported: Taking VM snapshots (these aren't application-aware)
Not supported: Combining Exchange's clustering features (SCC and CCR) with availability features from the virtualization layer, such as Hyper-V's quick migration.

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