13 de fevereiro de 2007

Exchange Server 2007 Transport Server Role Architecture Diagrams

Tem um espaço livre na parede do escritório e não tem dinheiro para comprar um Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso ou uma Paula Rego? A Microsoft tem a solução: o gigante informático disponibilizou recentemente posters de arquitectura do Exchange Server 2007.

Brief Description
This download contains architectural diagrams of the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 transport server roles.

Many components are involved in the transport of messages through the Exchange Server 2007 mail flow pipeline. These diagrams can help you understand how each component affects the processing of messages that enter the Exchange 2007 mail flow pipeline. Exchange administrators can use this information to help diagnose mail flow problems. Developers can use this information to help create third-party agents and applications to work with Exchange 2007.

Nota: na altura deste post os links de download não estavam a funcionar correctamente. Provavelmente serão corrigidos brevemente.

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